

Calendar of Tantric Events

European Events


If you are interested to participate to this event,
please click on the URL link to the right of the image
to complete the registration form on the SkyDancing institut website.

Tantra, a touch of Spirituality

European Events
10 12 2021 - 15 12 2021
Ukraine, Kyiv, 04052, Yuriia Illienka Street


If you wish to attend or get more information, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Massage is an art of living. Touch reveals our soul and our essence. In the giving and receiving, all the facets of our personality emerge. Using massage as a support for our research, learning to know ourselves better through touch, these are the goals of this workshop.

It is intended for all those who wish to :

-learn to give and/or receive

- learn to ask or to say no

-improve the quality of their touch,

-Understand the fundamentals of massage which are the presence to oneself and to the other.

-be initiated to the secrets of the tantric massage tradition


Location information

Ukraine, Kyiv, 04052, Yuriia Illienka Street

Юрія Іллєнка вулиця

if you are interested in taking part in this course and would like to register or have more information, please follow the "Subscribe" link on the right of the main course image.