

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Our European community of teachers

Antoine Van Linburg

Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher






I discovered the universe of Tantra through the teachings of Rickie Moore PhD and Henry Marshall PhD in 1990 with whom i did the training to become Tr-Energetic Coach in 1996.

I started Skydancing Tantra in 2006 where i felt myself totally at home. After many workshops as participant and then as assistant, I have followed the Skydancing Tantra Teacher Training and have been certified in 2014.

I teach Tantra since 2010 through Europe and enjoy to co-lead with many Tantra Teacher partners.

Being a curious person, I couldn’t resist to dive deeper into Tantra and meet other Tantra Teachers and so I followed the teachings of Ma Anand Sarita and Diana Richardson among others.

After being trained in Toucher-Massage by Joël Savatovski, I completed my passion for body oriented techniques with Jan Robinson (Massage for Extasy) and was certified by Ma Anand Sarita in her Ultimate Tantra Mystic Massage Training (Bali, 2019).

One of my dreams came true when I transformed with my ex-wife an old guesthouse in a workshop-center called « Gite de Belles Ombres » beautifully located in the French Alps, close to Grenoble and Geneva. It’s a perfect place for spiritual retreats amidst powerful nature.

Music has a very important place in my creative life, playing drums and percussion since my 15’s. Henry Marshall taught me the powerful mystery of chanting mantras and i have participated in the recording of several of his CD’s.

My passion for sacred mountains and photography have brought me to many inspiring places : the Alps, Nepal & Tibet, West America, the Saraha… I had the chance to complete twice the pilgrimage of Mount Kailash, the holiest mountain of Asia, and made a book of this lifelasting exerience.


Tantra has deeply changed my life and it is a true joy to share its practices with as may persons i could reach. In my workshops, i offer to discover and experience this path of consciousness - at the same time simple and joyous - that includes all the aspects of the human being : body, emotions, mind & spirit. Exploring all these facets of our being helps us to reveal fully all our potential to love oneself, the others and Life.

To me, Tantra is certainly the most inspiring spiritual path that brings consciousness in daily life in all its aspects while being present in the Here & Now, embracing the wholeness of humanity and celebrating joyfully the immense complexity of who we are.

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Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teachers in Europe

Certified Teachers are experienced and inspiring professionals who support the vision of Margot Anand and SkyDancing Tantra International. They have completed training as a SkyDancing Tantra Teacher and are members in good standing with one of the European SkyDancing Tantra Institutes or SkyDancing Tantra International.
The title of Certified Teacher was granted to them by a Certification Committee based on requirements such as (but not limited to): having attended and assisted the Love & Ecstasy Trainings and having successfully taught evening and weekend workshops based on the teachings of Margot Anand. By receiving this certification, these Teachers have agreed to comply with SkyDancing Tantra Ethical Standards and Guidelines.